Recharge your spiritual batteries
by Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP
March 31, 2014

Some one said that prayer is like plugging your smart phone or electronic device into the wall or another computer to recharge or download something. I like this. I am pretty good about making sure that my phone and iPod Touch do not run out of power. Would that I were as conscientious as to my spiritual life. I have to turn to prayer of some sort each day to recharge my spiritual battery or to get some info from the spiritual realm that is new or I have forgotten. I am a good forgetter. So the next time you are feeling low energy think about prayer, be it sacraments for Catholics, or meditation on some Scripture, or spiritual reading or getting together with another on the spiritual path. Just taking a nap does not fill us up. Besides, you don’t need a nap as soon as you wake up in the morning. But you might need to power up!