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The Conversation

In this issue: David O'Brien and Isaac Hecker, an Associate's reflection on his introduction to the Paulists, and more.


Paulist Fr. John Geaney serves as rector of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in Grand Rapids, MI. Today, he is... https://fb.me/39oztZ3EB 


A student spotlight from the University Catholic Center at UCLA, the Catholic campus ministry we serve in Los... https://fb.me/8b4608j45 

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 02/01/18

A listener named Sherri asks Father Dave, "What happens to children if parents get an annulment?" Father Dave explains that an annulment declares that not...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 02/01/18

A listener named Sherri asks Father Dave, "What happens to children if parents get an annulment?" Father Dave explains that an annulment declares that not...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/31/18

A caller named Leah asks for Fatherly Advice. She shares that she is having a difficult time accepting her daughter's religious vocation because she won't...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/31/18

A caller named Leah asks for Fatherly Advice. She shares that she is having a difficult time accepting her daughter's religious vocation because she won't...


On an icy Christmas Eve, Rabbi David Kosak drove his neighbor, Sharon, to Midnight Mass at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Portland.

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/29/18

A listener named Maria shares that she feels her prayer life is at a standstill. She asks Father Dave for advice on how to grow...