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The Conversation

Catholic News Service today reported on the new church building for our ministry in Rome, Italy.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 08/06/17

Jesus came to walk among the people, and we have signed up to walk with Jesus.


A new video profile of Paulist Fr. Ed Nowak, a campus minister at St. Thomas More Newman Center in Columbus, OH.

Casey Hawk | 08/04/17

This week's #FoodFriday will appeal to all those who love a good brunch!


Watch Paulist Fr. Dave Dwyer chat with CatholicTV's Kevin Nelson at the Knights of Columbus convention.


Catholics from the United States living in (and visiting) Rome, Italy, will now call a new church building home.

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 07/31/17

A woman calls Father Dave confused after hearing a Eucharistic minister say a phrase other than "the body of Christ" while distributing Communion. Father Dave...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 07/31/17

A woman calls Father Dave confused after hearing a Eucharistic minister say a phrase other than "the body of Christ" while distributing Communion. Father Dave...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 07/31/17

A young listener calls Father Dave wondering what's required for a priest to become pope. (He feels that a priest in his parish would make...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 07/31/17

A young listener calls Father Dave wondering what's required for a priest to become pope. (He feels that a priest in his parish would make...

Fr. Larry Rice | 07/30/17

From the University Catholic Center, Austin TX