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The Conversation
Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 05/21/08

http://bustedhalocast.libsyn.com/rss">SUBSCRIBE to the BustedHalo Cast, click here (iTunes, My Yahoo, iPodder and other aggregators).Recapping the Papal tour.  Why do angels speak to Shepherds in the...


Excerpts taken from his autobiography: Hollywood Priest: A Spiritual Struggle, New York: Doubleday Press, 1991, pp. 229-32 The trip had been rigorous and demanding. I...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 05/13/08

How can the laity relate better to priests?  Live from Lake Placid with the Diocese of Ogdensburg's Young Adult Conference.  Tips on Starting a young...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 05/08/08

Should you get a tattoo of the Virgin Mary?  Coming Attractions for Pentecost. Church Search is in Omaha, Nebraska

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 05/01/08

Listen to THIS EPISODE now by clicking HERE.(depending on your browser settings, you may hear nothing for up to a minute before the audio plays…...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 04/23/08

Recapping the Papal tour.  Can you go to confession if you're not Catholic?  Coming Attractions for this week's gospel.  A jaunt around the Religious Education...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 04/16/08

What is the Pope going to say while he visits the U.S.? Fr. Dave is covering the Papal visit in Washington D.C. Coming Attractions for...


Hewit Lecture of Spring 1991 The Paulist component of the 1991 Hewit Lecture took place on April 6, 1991 at St. Paul’s College in Washington,...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 04/07/08

When should you refrain from receiving the Eucharist?  Upcoming episodes will feature papal visit coverage.  A jaunt at the LA Religious Ed congress with Paul...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 03/31/08

Can you pray to Mary too much?  Live from Ann Arbor at the Michigan Young Adult Conference.  Coming Attractions for Sunday. Church Search is in...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP, and Barbara Wheeler-Bride | 03/20/08

A question on seeing the Pope in NYC and on one of the more difficult sayings of Jesus. Coming Attractions for Holy Week. Church Search...