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The Conversation: Blog
Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 03/07/14

I found a flat tire on my car in a parking lot here in Florida. Yuk. Big nail in the tire. Anyway, after the usual...

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 03/06/14

We all dream of starting over.  If we could go back to grade or high school; if we could study on the college level.  If...

Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 03/04/14

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, and we wonder since Christmas was such a short time ago, can it be Lent already? Well, Christmas is not that...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 03/03/14

Did you ever mess up by what you say or do and really hurt someone’s feelings, someone who cares for you? What to do? First,...

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 02/27/14

The following is a homily for Sunday, March 2. One of my long-time habits is reading the comics. I think I’m the only one in...

Father John E. Hurley, CSP | 02/25/14

On Pope Francis’ return trip from World Youth Day in Brazil to Rome, he was asked about people who are gay. As he concluded his...

Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 02/24/14

The bells of the Cathedral of St. Andrew here in Grand Rapids, Mich., ring out four times each Sunday to announce that the parish community...

Father Lawrence A. Rice, CSP | 02/21/14

I continue to marvel at the ways the Holy Spirit moves in the lives of the men I encounter in my role as the Paulist...

Father Charles R. Kullmann, CSP | 02/19/14

Last month there was a news story that one third of Americans don’t believe in evolution, and surprisingly that number is increasing in some groups....

Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 02/17/14

In October 2012 we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council. The first of the major documents that the Council...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 02/12/14

Hey, United Nations! Why are you picking on us for being backwards and outdated in our theology? You have gone too far. If we want...

Stuart A. Wilson-Smith, CSP | 02/10/14

Being on the constant road of conversion has its fair set of challenges, and the way our relationships change with those who knew us on...