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The Conversation: Blog
Father Charles R. Kullmann, CSP | 11/27/13

It is a time of endings and beginnings. This past Sunday, we liturgically marked the end of the church year with the celebration of the...

Father John E. Lynch, CSP | 11/25/13

The first holiday celebrated by English settlers in America was Thanksgiving. In 1621 William Bradford, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, invited the neighboring Indians...

Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 11/20/13

Those of us who were alive at the time generally remember where we were when President Kennedy was killed. I was at St. Paul’s College...

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 11/18/13

The following is a reflection on the Scripture readings for Sunday, Nov. 24, the Feast of Christ the King.   “In short there’s simply not...

Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 11/13/13

November is Black Catholic History Month. We often forget how difficult it was to be a black Catholic in the Jim Crow days. I was...

Stuart A. Wilson-Smith, CSP | 11/11/13

Part of being the “religious/Catholic guy” at parties, wedding dinners, receptions or even at work is that people will ask me for my take on...

Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 11/04/13

I have a new computer. In fact, it’s the year in which our Cathedral offices are all getting new computers of one type or another....

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 11/01/13

I was reading an article recently called “The Truman Factor,” and it referred to the Jim Carrey movie in which he plays a character called...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 10/31/13

Some time ago, I was going to a counseling center and a woman had an appointment about the same time as mine for awhile. She...

Father Charles R. Kullmann, CSP | 10/30/13

This week, on Nov. 1, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. On Saturday, Nov. 2, we celebrate the Feast of All Souls. Friday we...

Father Thomas A. Kane, CSP | 10/28/13

Here is the New Evangelization in a nutshell: • The New Evangelization has Jesus as the center. • The New Evangelization is not about parish...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 10/25/13

Talk about confusion! The Vatican says that the Diocese of Freiburg, Germany, would confuse people if they began to give Communion to the divorced. Well...