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The Conversation: Homilies
Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 02/04/19

God wants us to be happy, but we can’t fathom all the possible pathways to happiness on our own!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/31/18

In every family, things can go wrong even when nobody means to do anything wrong!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/26/18

“When everything is said and done, we are infinitely loved.”

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/25/18

Asking some local theologians to help me with the homily tonight!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/24/18

Filled with the Holy Spirit, we come to do your will, O Lord!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/19/18

We are all called to holiness, even if we don’t receive instructions in dreams!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/16/18

At the heart of it, we live out this Biblical idea – and Hecker’s idea – of joy.

Rich Andre | 12/11/18

Catholic Social Teaching: the best-kept secret in the Church!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/03/18

Are we over-reacting to things that aren’t really that stressful?

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 11/26/18

Everyone who encounters the truth of Jesus Christ is forever changed.

Paulist Fr. Chuck Kullmann | 11/26/18

In the fog of this time in our society, the grounded rock on which we can rely is Jesus and His word.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 11/25/18

Those of us who have led lives of discipleship will experience eternal joy.