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The Conversation: Multifaith
Judy Coode | 06/18/21

A new publication by theologians and peace practitioners from around the world offers strategies for advancing non-violence globally, with recommendations for how the Church might...

Fr. James DiLuzio, C.S.P. | 06/18/21

Paulist Fr. James Diluzio summarizes how the Equal Rights Amendment will guarantee that every aspect of the U.S. Constitution applies equally to women and all...


Unity Begins on the Inside Tom Ryan reflects on a hidden blessing during this time of the pandemic in which in-person discussions and dialogues are...

Thomas Ryan, C.S.P. | 03/24/21

A hidden blessing of this pandemic time: We are made to look within through prayer for unity.

Linda Pacha | 03/24/21

If we get a gut feeling that someone might be troubled, we need to trust our intuition. Someone's life may depend on it.

John H. Armstrong | 03/24/21

In this era of church decline, we ought not curse the darkness but light a candle, but become missionary disciples who pray and work for...


Key Players in Prayer for Christian Unity As the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity approaches, Tom Ryan reflects on its origins and evolution, with...

Rt. Rev. Alexei Smith | 01/11/21

Alexei Smith shares how his past twenty years of ecumenical and interfaith ministry has had a transformational impact in his own life and ministry.

Scott Brill | 01/11/21

After identifying a number of setbacks during the past year, Scott Brill “turns the tables” on his own disappointments and instead poses the question: What...

Tom Ryan | 01/11/21

As the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity approaches, Tom Ryan reflects on its origins and evolution.

Kelly Fasset | 09/16/20

Kelly Fasset provides some concrete examples of local level efforts to bridge historic divides in the Christian church racially, culturally, and denominationally.

Daniel Olsen | 09/16/20

Daniel Olsen reflects on John Paul II’s call to make the pursuit of Christian unity an integral part of the Church. .