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The Conversation: Podcasts
Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/31/17

Sister Simone Campbell is the executive director of NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice and leader of the Nuns on the Bus campaign. Sister Campbell has extensive...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/30/17

Father Dave reads and responds to some of the recent comments made by several U.S. Bishops and Cardinals concerning the recent executive orders by President...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/30/17

Father Dave reads and responds to some of the recent comments made by several U.S. Bishops and Cardinals concerning the recent executive orders by President...

Fr. Larry Rice | 01/29/17

Presented at the University Catholic Center, Austin TX.

Fr. Larry Rice | 01/29/17

Presented at the University Catholic Center, Austin TX.

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/27/17

Can a person who is Christian, but not Catholic, receive the Eucharist? Father Dave explains. (Original Air 01-12-17)

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/27/17

Can a person who is Christian, but not Catholic, receive the Eucharist? Father Dave explains. (Original Air 01-12-17)

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/24/17

Have you ever had a difficult time finding the "right" words for a prayer? A caller explains her trouble composing personal prayers that accurately describe...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/24/17

Have you ever had a difficult time finding the "right" words for a prayer? A caller explains her trouble composing personal prayers that accurately describe...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/22/17

What is the proper way to receive the host during Communion? A caller shares a story of being told by a priest that he was...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/22/17

What is the proper way to receive the host during Communion? A caller shares a story of being told by a priest that he was...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/22/17

A woman with a serious medical condition calls Father Dave seeking advice. She has a heart condition that could put her life in danger if...