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The Conversation: Podcasts
Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 02/05/20

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 02/05/20

Thursday, Week Four in Ordinary Time, February 6, 2020, Scripture Mark 6: 7-13

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 02/04/20

Wednesday, Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, February 5, 2020, Scripture Mark 6: 1-6

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 02/03/20

Tuesday, Week Four in Ordinary Time, February 4, 2020. Scripture Mark 5” 21-43

Fr. Larry Rice | 02/02/20

From the University Catholic Center, Austin TX, Feb. 2, 2020. For more, tell your Amazon Alexa device, "Open Fr. Larry's Homilies."

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 02/01/20

Feast of the Presentation: Sunday, February 2, 2020, Scripture, Luke 2: 22-40

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 01/30/20

Friday, Week Three in Ordinary Time, January 31, 2020, Scripture Mark 4: 26-34

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/29/20

Sr. Marie Pappas, fellow Catholic Channel host and former Associate Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, chats with Father Dave about Catholic...

Fr. Dave Dwyer, CSP | 01/29/20

Sr. Marie Pappas, fellow Catholic Channel host and former Associate Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of New York, chats with Father Dave about Catholic...

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 01/29/20

Thursday, Week Three in Ordinary time, January 30, 2020, Scripture, Mark 4: 21-25

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 01/28/20

Wednesday,Third Week in Ordinary Time, January 29, 2020, Scripture Mark 4: 1-20

Paulist Fr. Michael Evernden | 01/27/20

Tuesday, Week Three in Ordinary Time, January 28, 2020, Scripture Mark 3: 31-35