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The Conversation: Rich thoughts
Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 12/25/23

“We must find [Christ] here, now, and where we are, in this age of ours.” – Isaac Hecker, C. S. P.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 12/24/23

Surely, before Mary said “Yes” to God, she recognized that her consent would launch her and her child into a life of uncertainty and risk.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 12/11/23

We can’t live out God’s promise of comfort, unless we first step outside of our comfort zones.


God continually invites each of us to step into a future where we don’t know what will happen.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 11/06/23

Even Mother Teresa of Kolkata was called “a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud.”


Jesus was inserted into this same conflict concerning politics, ethnicity, and religion.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 10/09/23

What are today’s analogies for God’s vineyard?

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 09/19/23

“I want justice—oceans of it. I want fairness—rivers of it.” Amos 5:24 (The Message)

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 09/17/23

“Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 09/10/23

As long as we address conflict in the name of Jesus, the Holy Spirit will provide us with the guidance to build communion.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 09/03/23

Many people give their lives for others.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 08/14/23

“Walking on water is an entirely sensible thing to do. It’s staying in the boat that’s rather mad.”