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The Conversation: Rich thoughts

We are each called to be light in the darkness.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 01/29/17

Saul was being prepared for his mission by God from before he “was knit in his mother’s womb” (Psalm 139).

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 01/15/17

To be Christian disciples, we must each have an ongoing, intimate, personal relationship with Jesus.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 01/09/17

Where will YOU encounter God in 2017?

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 01/01/17

Mary is the Queen of Peace, but she wasn’t marching on Herod’s palace demanding equal rights for the underprivileged.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/24/16

God may be all-powerful and all-knowing, but God is not remote. God is present among us!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/19/16

The season of Advent assures us that the light can penetrate the darkness.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/19/16

We are all called to holiness, including working stepfathers!

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/12/16

Can we be filled with the Holy Spirit like Elizabeth or Juan Diego, and recognize that Christ is present in everyone we encounter?

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/12/16

When I take the time to pray with my anger, I often discover that it is self-induced.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/12/16

God continually invites each of us to step into a future where we don’t know what will happen.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 12/05/16

When we speak of Jesus as “the Word made flesh,” most of us envision a harmless baby. But that Word is the most powerful force...