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The Conversation: Video
Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 12/24/23

Surely, before Mary said “Yes” to God, she recognized that her consent would launch her and her child into a life of uncertainty and risk.


Paulist Fr. Joe Scott recalls his vocation story and his experiences from five decades of ministry.


Get to know the Catholic Information Center in Grand Rapids, MI, a Paulist Fathers ministry since 1947.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 12/11/23

We can’t live out God’s promise of comfort, unless we first step outside of our comfort zones.


Our old friend Mike Hayes speaks with Paulist Fr. Evan Cummings.


God continually invites each of us to step into a future where we don’t know what will happen.

Fr. John Geaney, C.S.P. | 12/02/23

Paulist Fr. John Geaney reflects on the act of giving thanks and praising God for our blessings.

Fr. John Geaney, C.S.P. | 11/22/23

Paulist Fr. John Geaney looks to Psalm 85 in a new plea for peace.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 11/06/23

Even Mother Teresa of Kolkata was called “a fanatic, a fundamentalist, and a fraud.”

Fr. John Geaney, C.S.P. | 10/31/23

Paulist Fr. John Geaney reflects on the awful violence that is taking place in Israel and Palestine.


Paulist Press's editor-at-large details the publishing trends he loves––and the ones he hates.


Paulist Fr. Dave Dwyer's talk at the New York State Eucharistic Congress.