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The Conversation: Blog
Father John J. Geaney, CSP | 05/18/15

Yesterday (Sunday, May 17) is a confusing day for our Church in the United States. Some years ago the bishops of the United States decided...

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 05/14/15

Who comes next? This is one of our biggest human problems. Continuity. Next in line. We could think of evolution as one huge biological answer...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 05/11/15

While I was exercising one day in the gym, I noticed a young man playing basketball by himself. From a talent point of view, he...

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 05/07/15

These weeks will have me back in New York: first Manhattan, then Long Island and finally Buffalo. It’s wonderful to return to places you’ve been...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 05/06/15

Someone recently told me that they had dropped a spiritual practice because it was not getting them anywhere. They had given up on any spiritual...

Father Ronald A. Franco, CSP | 05/04/15

On May 3 at the 11:30 Mass, we at the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Knoxville, Tenn, had the traditional procession and coronation of...

Father Thomas Ryan, CSP | 04/30/15

Reference to our world today as a “global village” has become commonplace. And one of the blessings of tourist travel in our time is that...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 04/28/15

Jesus formed a people, a community. “The Twelve” is an example of that. We are supposed to be about one another, but too often the...

Father Ronald A. Franco, CSP | 04/27/15

Yesterday was the Annual “World Day of Prayer for Vocations.” Blessed Paul VI first instituted this “special event in 1963, appropriately assigning it to the...

Father Francis P. DeSiano, CSP | 04/24/15

The following is a homily based on the Scripture readings for Sunday, April 26. With all the discussion about police around the country, let me...

Father Thomas Ryan, CSP | 04/23/15

For a long time, spirituality has been defined as the lived dimension of one’s faith, what faith looks like in everyday values and behaviors. And...

Father Terrence P. Ryan, CSP | 04/20/15

Christ’s love is unconditional and has no bounds. The Catholic Church sees itself as representing Christ, being the Body of Christ. But the Church is...