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The Conversation: Homilies
Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 06/22/20

Maybe, just maybe, the pandemic of 2020 will rouse us from our complacency.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 06/15/20

Whenever we receive the Eucharist, we make a public pledge to care for one another, especially for those who are suffering most.

Fr. Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 06/01/20

Let us ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our fight against racism.

Rich Andre, C.S.P. | 05/25/20

What if Jesus were still living among us as a human being in, say, Fort Wayne, Indiana?

Fr. Mark-David Janus, C.S.P. | 05/21/20

Paulist Fr. Mark-David Janus offers a homily for the Solemnity of the Ascension.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 05/18/20

This week, try praying with the Holy Spirit.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 05/11/20

How is Jesus present among us at the in-person Mass and in the online Mass?

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 04/20/20

Despite our fears and doubts, we have an opportunity to promote greater justice!

Paulist Fr. Mark-David Janus | 04/19/20

In the last few months we have come to doubt/All the sure, measurable, trustworthy aspects of our life.

Paulist Fr. Rich Andre | 04/13/20

Just as Christ cannot be confined to the tomb, the Church cannot be confined to a building.

Paulist Fr. Frank Sabatté | 04/11/20

In the 80’s I met a man named Stephen. He was gay, a recovering alcoholic and had AIDS, which, back then meant certain death.

Mark-David Janus | 04/09/20

Childhood memories stand in sharp contrast with Holy Thursday this year.